Aloe based skincare and health supplements
Heel Balm (NP) 150ml
A composition of herbs known for its beneficial effect on dry, chapped and chafed skin conditions.

Sizes: 150ml
Minimum order: 1
Lead time: 2 weeks
Plus points:
Helps for chafed heels. Protects the skin against dehydration. Nourishes and softens skin. Also helpful to nourish the skin on the knees and elbows.

R 101
each incl VAT

Massage the feet (1 minute each) with friction gloves while dry to remove dead skin and to increase blood circulation. Wash with warm soap water. Do not soak as it dries out the skin. Dry gently. Use Heel Balm and massage the feet with long strokes from your toes to your ankles.

Sound advice:
Treat calluses and corns gently with a pumice stone. Apply Super Aloe Gel and Heel Balm directly afterwards. Apply Bitter Aloe Gel/Super Aloe Gel to painful ingrown toe nails. Treat planter warts with Bitter Aloe Gel mixed with Bitter Powder, and cover with a plaster. Repeat daily until the condition clears up. Diabetics must take special care of their feet as feet ulcers may occur easily due to poor circulation.

Please note:
We are not recommending that you use our products as a substitute for medication prescribed by your health care provider or medical doctor. If you have any medical condition that might be affected by the use of aloe based products or any of the other ingredients contained in our products, we recommend that you speak to your doctor first.